• Create your account

    After creating your account, click the "Link as a new member" button on the member screen to use your points and enjoy special member-only services such as limited-time events. Please register.

  • Member benefits

    If you shop while logged in, you will earn points worth 3% of your purchase amount (excluding tax).

    *Accumulated points can be used to pay 1 yen per point.

    *The point reward rate is 3% of the product price (excluding tax) you purchased. (For example, if you purchase a product for 11,000 yen (including tax), you will receive 300 yen worth of points.)

  • About linkage

    After logging in, you can link your membership information to use the membership functions and points at affiliated online stores and physical stores.

    If you would like to collaborate, please contact us in person or by email.

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